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The Front Yard

We as a family have always enjoyed sitting down at the front of the house and to watch the world go by….

We had a porch when we lived on Harrison, but mostly used the back yard there because Charlie was so little.  Also, the kids just loved the trampoline.  My Dad can agree that the squirrels that lived in the trees there were rather entertaining…

When we lived on Twin Lakes we had a very small porch and the neighbors were far from friendly, so sadly we rarely spent time outside at the front of the house..

At Gloria, we had no porch so we had a swing in the front yard for some time and have lots of memories of sitting there and enjoying watching our cats and the kids playing in the cul-de-sac…

Here in Mississippi we are lucky to have a larger porch that allows us to have three chairs, a couple of tables and some plants.  There was a local flea market in town and we purchased three Adirondack chairs and the tables to match when we first moved here.  We also found an awesome garden center in Magee and got a green chiminea as well which has an awesome grape design on it – perfect for any wino!  It had a small amount of damage that is hardly noticeable so we got it for a cool $25.

I have lost count how many times we have sat out there to eat, have a glass of wine/beer or to just chill and chat…

So we have focused on working on the lawn and the footpath, although the path needs a little more work as some of the bricks have come loose.  But below is a before and after photo of the front footpath.

The “lawn” and I use that word very loosely was mostly weeds and moss when we arrived covered with a deep coating of leaves (and a set of house keys somewhere Kevin).
Its amazing how quickly things grow here, you lay down grass seed and within a week you have 2 inch high grass.  So some before and after pictures.  We probably have cut down over 50 trees from the front yard that were in different stages of growing.  It was so totally overgrown when we arrived in October that we could not see the house.
We now have a lawn that my father would be proud of, however still more work to do around the big trees and on the north side of the front yard.  And of course, cant’t wait until we have all the trim painted and the porch roof fixed.


Overgrown and barely able to see the house

Overgrown front…the ivy on the left was all over the side of the house.
Sad and unloved.
A staple it seems for anyone who wants an ant free zone….

Finally, to make people feel welcome, we picked up an awesome sign that we have set up by the front path…
Swimming Pool
Kitchen finally complete

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